
Customer Testimonials

David Perl

The entire Triton team was thorough and efficient. There were no high-pressure sales pitches nor unnecessary work performed. Sales, install, inspection, and office help were fantastic all around.

Joshua Sanders

We have loved working with this team, and would highly recommend them to the people we know!

Michael Kopps

Triton has a great attention to detail and wants to make sure the best possible product gets installed for long-term benefit. They were able to quickly get a better color than what I selected when they were on-site. They spent time needed to get all of the paperwork needed for my insurance company to get a discount on my homeowners insurance. They are a great company to work with, honest, on-time, and kept me up to date with schedule slips due to weather and materials.

Matthew Flynn

David has been amazingly helpful and knowledgeable in my search for a solar power system. They use a very upfront and strait forward contract, which is a rarity these days it seems. And I have been very happy with their work when I used them for repairs in the past. I would highly recommend them for any solar or roofing needs you may have.

J. D. Sandfort

Triton Roofing provided us with excellent and timely service.

Glen Green

I have used Triton on two occasions and received professional, timely and quality service. The first time was a roof replacement in 2016 and most recently a gutter repair. Will continue to use them for all of my exterior home repair needs.

Scott Bailey

Triton did a quick, professional job of repairing our roof and ancillary items after a hail storm. Highly recommended!

Art Trout

Hail storm hit over a weekend- they answered their phone and helped us. Monday morning inspected the roof for us. Filed a supplemental with our insurance company and got us additional money back. Great company and great service.

Greg Kovach

Triton Roofing has been an outstanding partner with our local Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity affiliate in Colorado Springs. They have now donated their time and roofing expertise on several new home construction projects along with contributing gift-in-kind efforts (tear-off and installation) on two repair projects helping out our veteran community. I truly value Todd and Jason for their excellent communication, attention to detail and fine workmanship. Finally, I would just like to say, thank you to this amazing crew for their continued generosity and kindness. We at Pikes Peak Habitat are truly grateful.

Katherine M

I cannot say enough wonderful things about Triton Roofing! They helped us navigate a very frustrating insurance situation and were very patient with the process. Once we got approved to move forward, they very quickly installed an excellent roof, cleaned up everything, and all the employees were so kind and professional. Their communication, professionalism, patience, and support are all excellent!